
Ilmari Tapiovaara

Finnish designer... more will be revealed about the brief that this is linked to on a later post! Also, no updates on paris work, having way too much fun on this brief...

For some bio on Ilmari ..:
link! (great blog as well...)
(this link is in Finnish, but has good examples of his design work)
another link...! (A good, quick to the point bio.)

Tapiovaara designed the 'domus' chair for a Finnish university, it was made out of reformed plywood and had a elegant design that embraced natural form. The use of wood also allowed for the stacking process to be very quiet.


  1. LOOVVEEE (definitely running out of things to say either than all the stuff you've done lately is pretty amazing Saara Tuulia)!!!!

  2. I'm flattered! I was very impressed with the fact that I had the patience to nearly finish that portrait today...

    (you don't know this, because what you see here on this blog is carefully selected, but I hardly ever finish pencil drawings of anything...)
